[This ASCII version of the documentation is provided for on-line reference] [only, it is not intended as a substitute for the "real" documentation ] SFPtoPK SFPtoPK converts HP LaserJet softfont files into TeX PK & TFM files Version 2.0 Copyright (c) 1991-92 by Small Planet Software All Rights Reserved THIS PROGRAM IS ABSOLUTELY FREE. THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the quality and completeness of this program, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions or if you believe that you have found a bug please contact the author at the address given at the end of this document. All trademarks used within this document are trademarks of their respective owners. Changes (what's new and exciting) --------------------------------- Version 2.0 o Added support for HP AutoFont Support files. Version 1.35 o Added mathmatical calculation of space parameters (see /spacenorm...) o Fixed bug that prevented /spaceadj from being negative o Added space and space adjustment to configuration file Version 1.34 o Made SFPtoPK report attempts to delete explicitly (re)mapped characters Version 1.33 o Faster I/O on some softfonts, minor documentation changes Version 1.32 o Included PKscale program for creating scaled PK files o Improved speed of ``scanning font'' code for most fonts o Fixed bug that caused SFPtoPK to miss some accent problems Version 1.31 o Never officially released Version 1.3 o First real release o SFPtoPK didn't print a message if it couldn't find the kern file o Added none.lig, none.krn, and none.map Version 1.2 o Tentative real release, last beta Versions prior to 1.2 o To save paper, changes made prior to version 1.2 are no longer reported Usage ----- SFPtoPK is run from the DOS command prompt. In order to keep the program small and simple, a command-line interface has been chosen instead of something more user-friendly.Many of the options have reasonable default values and these can be set with a configuration file. The configuration file is described below.The general format for running SFPtoPK looks like this: SFPTOPK softfont[.sfp] Where: softfont[.sfp] is the name of the HP LaserJet softfont file to convert to TeX format. pkfile[.pk] is the name of the TeX PK file to create. By default, SFPtoPK will use the root name of the softfont file as the root name for the PK file. plfile[.pl] is the name of the TeX PL file to create. In order to use the PK file created by SFPtoPK in TeX, you will also have to use the standard TeXware utility PLtoTF to create a TFM file from the PL file. By default, SFPtoPK will use the root name of the PK file as the root name for the PL file. /option is one of the following options: /map, /lig, /minchar, /maxchar, /slantchar, /spacechar, /spaceadj, /spacenorm, /spacebold, /spaceital, /spacehmi, /xchar, /xadj, /krn, /krows, /kcols, /kpdots, /kmax, /kadj, /ktbl, or /auto.These options allow you to adjust the TeX font that SFPtoPK produces. Each of these options is described in more detail below. Options ------- /map:filename ------------- HP softfonts frequently contain many of the ligatures and accents TeX uses but they are in different ASCII positions; the /map option allows you to rearrange characters in the font. Each line in the map file should identify two characters (ASCII positions really), the character in the first position in the softfont will be moved to the second position in the PK file. A word about characters: whenever SFPtoPK expects a character specification in a file (or a command line option), it can be done in four different ways.These four ways correspond to TeX notational conventions for indicating decimal, octal, and hexidecimal numbers and literal characters. The first way is to simply indicate the ASCII position with a decimal number (65, for example), the second way is to indicate the position with an octal number prefixed with a ' character ('101), the third way is to use an hexidecimal number prefixed with a " character ("41), and the fourth way is to use a character constant prefixed with a ` character (`A). Consider, for example, the following lines from a map file: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This is a substitution map for \SFPtoPK. This map is for HP softfonts % with symbol set 10J (PS Text). "A1 '074 170 '134 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If this map file is used, the character at position A1 (hex) in the softfont file will appear in position 74 (octal) in the PK file (similarly for 170 (decimal) and 134 (octal), etc). As you can see, %-style comments are allowed in the map file. The default mapping for all characters not present in the map file is to it's ``natural'' position, the same position it has in the softfont file, in the PK file. SFPtoPK will only use this mapping if the position is available in the PK file (i.e. if no other character has been mapped to that position). If the second ``character'' in the map-pair is the word REMOVE, the softfont character will not be present in it's natural position in the PK file even if the position is available. Mapping has a higher precedence than removing. An attempt to remove a character that has been explicitly mapped will produce a warning message and the character will not be removed. For example, if the map file indicates that the character at position "7F should come from position "BA in the softfont and that the character at position "7F should be removed, the character will come from "BA even if the remove command appears later in the map file.It is obviously silly to attempt to do both, and the warning message will give you a clue that you have done something wrong. (I spent more than an hour looking for a bug in SFPtoPK before I discovered that I'd made a typo in my map file :::). The map file also allows several options for manipulating character accents. When the character is mapped to it's new position, you may specify that only the accent or only the character is to be moved. It is even possible to specify that only baseline accents (like the cydil `` '') should be moved.In this way it is possible to form dotless 's and 's for TeX and to take accents that are not present as individual symbols off of characters that have them.In order for SFPtoPK to steal an accent (or remove it), there must be at least one row of blank dots between the accent and the character in the character bitmap. The map options for accent manipulation are ACC, NOACC, and BLA. These options should be placed after the second character in the map-pair. Here are some examples of how the map options can be used.The REMOVE option is used to make sure that the close curly brace and the underscore character do not appear in the TeX font (presumably they are being removed because the raised dot and backwards quote accents were not available to replace them), the cydil, open circle, and ``check'' accents are being taken off of characters in the softfont and the dotless i and j are being formed from the regular ``i'' and ``j'' in the font. "7D Remove % I don't want ``}'' in the font '137 Remove % I don't want ``_'' in the font either "B5 '030 bla % BaseLineAccent cydil "D4 '027 acc % ACCent, raised o accent "EC '024 acc % ACCent, upside down ^ `j '021 noacc % NO ACCent, dotless j `i '020 noacc % NO ACCent, dotless i By default, SFPtoPK will look for a map file whose name is the same as the symbol set of the HP softfont that it is converting (0U, 1U, 0A, 8M, etc).For example, if SFPtoPK is converting a softfont with the symbol set 10J and you do not specify a /map option when you run SFPtoPK, it will look for 10J.MAP. If you do not give a path, SFPtoPK looks for map files in the current directory then the subdirectory specified by the ``SFPTOPKPATH'' environment variable. Under DOS 3.0 or higher, SFPtoPK will look in the same directory as its EXE file if the SFPTOPKPATH environment variable is not specified. Under DOS 2.xx, SFPtoPK will only look in the current directory if SFPTOPKPATH is undefined. /lig:filename ------------- The /lig option allows you to specify TeX ligature commands for the PK file that you are creating. The format of the ligature file is similar to the format of the map file. On each line in the file, three characters must be specified; a ligature will be created for the first two characters to produce the third. For example, the following ligature file: % sample lig file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% `f `i '014 % fi `f `l '015 % fl specifies the ``fi'' and ``fl'' ligatures. SFPtoPK uses the same search strategy for finding the ligature file as it does for finding the map file, with the exception that the default extension for ligature files is .LIG. /minchar:character ------------------ The /minchar option allows you to limit the range of characters created in the PK file. No character whose position in the PK file falls below /minchar will be included. For example, in a standard TeX font, if /minchar:'040, the PK file will not include most of the accents or ligatures or the Greek letters. /maxchar:character ------------------ The /maxchar option is analogous to the /minchar option. No character whose position in the PK file falls above /maxchar will be included. In general, / maxchar is more commonly used than /minchar. For example, if you want to exclude the ``upper'' 128 characters of a softfont from your PK file (except the ones you've mapped into standard TeX positions), you can set /maxchar:127 to keep them out. /slantchar:character The /slantchar option defines the character that SFPtoPK will use to determine the slant of the font. By default, the ``['' character (or the character specified by the configuration file) is used. SFPtoPK computes the slant by finding the upper-left most dot and the lower-left most dot in the character bitmap, for this reason, the character selected should not have any curves or serifs on it's leading edge. In general, a tall character is better than a short one. The open square bracket and the vertical bar (if present in the softfont) are both good choices, curly braces, parenthesis, slashes, and rounded or serifed alphabetical characters are bad choices. HP AutoFont Support may override this option. /spacechar:character -------------------- The /spacechar option (and the /spaceadj option) allow you to tweak the size of an interword space in TeX for the font that you are creating. In older softfonts, the default value (which is the default HMI or ``pitch'' of the font) is frequently inaccurate (this is not so much the case with newer fonts). The /spacechar option lets you specify which character in the font should be used for the width of an interword space. For example, /spacechar:`i specifies a lower case I and /spacechar:32 specifies the ASCII space character in the softfont.Note: unless you specify the space character, it will not be used, even if it exists in the font. By default, SFPtoPK always uses the default HMI specified in the softfont header. HP AutoFont Support may override this option. /spacenorm, /spaceital, /spacebold ---------------------------------- First, a little background. The interword spacing in TeX is very dynamic. Versions of SFPtoPK prior to 1.35 used either the default HMI of the softfont or some other (explicitly requested) character width to calculate the value of an interword space. The values of the stretch and shrink components of the TeX interword space were always constant fractions of the space value. I've reached the conclusion that these methods for calculating the TeX space parameters are unsuccessful.Far too often, PK fonts created using the default HMI as the space factor have interword spaces that are much too small. What are the other alternatives? I did a little investigation into the space parameters used in the CM family of fonts. I discovered that the space parameters fit very well onto a smooth curve. The precise curves vary for each of the parameters and for each of the three ``kinds'' of fonts (normal, bold, and italic) available in the CM family but they all fit very well. The /spacenorm, /spacebold, and /spaceital options are used to tell SFPtoPK to calculate the space parameters (space, shrink, stretch, extra space, and quad) with these formulas instead of using any specific character width. Since the CM family of fonts does not include any bold-italic fonts, a seperate formula is not provided for that kind of font. How well will this work? Only time will tell. I suspect that it will provide much better space parameters for most fonts. The equations used to calculate the space values are well defined over the range of TeX fonts that I have (roughly 5pt to 17pt) and I expect them to perform well outside that range but it is possible that they will not work well at extremely large sizes. However, for large display-sized faces it is probably less important to have finely tuned space parameters anyway. The /spaceadj option can still be used to tweak individual fonts. It may turn out, in practice, that all fonts need to be hand adjusted to create the best possible appearance. Hopefully these refinements to SFPtoPK have improved the computed values to the point where it is not intolerable to use them without adjustment. HP AutoFont Support may override this option. /spacehmi --------- The /spacehmi option is provided so that you can override the default method (in the configuration file) for calculating TeX space widths. If the ``space'' configuration variable is not used, /spacehmi is the default method. HP AutoFont Support may override this option. /spaceadj:number ---------------- The /spaceadj option lets you make a second adjustment to the width of an interword space. The /spaceadj parameter can specify either a number of PCL dots of space or a percentage of the current interword space. If it is followed by a % character, it is a percentage. If the number is preceded by a plus or minus sign, the parameter is relative to the current size, otherwise it represents an absolute size. A few examples will illustrate: /spaceadj:+50% makes the width of a space 50% larger than its current value, /space:20% makes the width of a space one fifth of it current value, /space:+5 makes it five dots wider, /space:5 makes it five dots wide (very narrow indeed). This adjustment is applied after the space has been calculated using the method specified by other options (if any). /xchar:character ---------------- The /xchar option (and the /xadj option) let you adjust the X-height.By default, SFPtoPK uses the height of the character in the ASCII position of a lower case ``x'' ('116) for the X-height. If the font does not contain a lower case ``x'', then the x-height from the softfont header is used. The /xchar option can be used to specify which character to use instead of an ``x''. HP AutoFont Support may override this option. /xadj:number ------------ The /xadj option lets you make adjustments to the X-height. Like the /spaceadj option, it can be either relative or absolute and may specify a number of PCL dots or a percentage of the current value. Note:the X-height parameter is a bit counter-intuitive. If you make the X-height larger, you effectively move accent marks down, not up as you might expect. The X-height specifies the height of characters for which TeX does not need to raise the accent marks. Here are a few examples: /xadj:+10% raises the X-height 10 percent (effectively lowering accent marks), /xadj:-4, makes the X-height 4 pixels shorter (effectively raising accent marks). HP AutoFont Support may override this option. /auto:filename -------------- The /auto option specifies that HP AutoFont Support files should be used.The filename specified on the /auto option should be the name of the GLUE.TXT file in your AutoFont directory. If you store your AutoFont metrics files in the directory C:\AUTOFONT, you should specify /auto:c:\autofont\glue.txt to turn on HP AutoFont support. The GLUE.TXT file should have been created by the program that installed your AutoFont Support files. Using GLUE.TXT is is the standard way of finding AutoFont Support files for each font. Kerning ------- Automatic support for kerning is still under development. That is to say, I still don't know how to make it ``do what you mean'' whenever it kerns letter-pairs.Described below is the algorithm that SFPtoPK uses. If you can think of any improvements to this algorithm, or if you notice any distinct patterns in the way that the various parameters interact, please drop me a line and I'll be happy to improve it. [The description of SFPtoPK's kerning algorithm requires several diagrams that cannot be reproduced in a pure-text version of this manual. Please consult the typeset documentation for more information about the kerning algorithm.] The first rough estimate of ``kernability'' is calculated using the number of blank grid squares between each character. In the example above, the ``T'' has (0,0,3,3) blank grid squares on its right hand side (counting from top to bottom) and the lowercase ``o'' has (8,8,1,1) blank grid squares on its left hand side.The row with the smallest sum provides the initial kern estimate (the sums above are (8,8,4,4), making 4 the rough estimate). If the smallest sum is zero, the letter-pair will not be kerned. The rough estimate can be refined in two independent ways: it is possible to reinsert space between two kerned letters, and it is possible to limit the maximum amount of kerning. Kerning in SFPtoPK is controlled by a kern file (that describes which letters should be kerned) and five parameters. The parameters are: /KROWS The number of rows in the grid /KCOLS The number of columns in the grid /KMAX The maximum number of PCL dots of kerning allowed /KADJ The number of PCL dots to insert back between kerned letters /KPDOTS The number of plus dots of kerning to insert (described below) In addition to kerning letters closer together, TeX provides for the possibility of kerning letters farther apart. SFPtoPK supports this kind of kerning in a manual fashion. If you place a plus sign (+) after the letter-pair in the kern file, SFPtoPK will insert /kpdots of extra space between the two letters.In order to provide some flexibility, SFPtoPK allows you to place an arbitrary number of plus signs after the letters in the file. SFPtoPK will place /kpdots of extra space between the letters for each plus sign. The format of the kern file is similar to the format of the map and ligature files. Consider the following fragment of a .KRN file: `f`)++ `A`t `a`j+ Each line contains a pair of characters (expressed in any of the accepted forms of notation). If the letter-pair is followed by one or more plus signs, the characters will be kerned apart, otherwise they will be kerned together.The three lines shown above indicate that ``f)'' will be kerned apart by /kpdots*2 dots, ``At'' will be kerned together (according to the algorithm discussed above) and ``aj'' will be kerned apart /kpdots dots. Just to keep the record straight, the inspiration for this algorithm came from the AGFA Compugraphic Division's document describing the IntelliFont Scalable Typeface Format. The only remaining kerning parameter is /ktbl. This option lets you specify the filename for a ``kerning information'' output file. If the filename is non-blank, SFPtoPK will create a TeX file that illustrates all of the kerns and ligatures that it created in the PK file as well as showing the sample text from the standard ``testfont.TeX'' file. HP AutoFont Support ------------------- The addition of HP AutoFont support is a large step forward in the successful translation of LaserJet softfonts to professional-quality typesetting fonts. One of the primary disadvantages of LaserJet softfonts is that they contain relatively little information about the metrics of the font. Font metrics form the basis of accurate typesetting. In fact, as TeX makes clear, the typesetter doesn't need to know anything about the shape of the characters in each font, it only needs the metrics! TeX uses only the TFM files when constructing the DVI file. It is the DVI-to-printer program that needs PK files. The lack of metrics in a softfont file is the primary reason why SFPtoPK has so many options. Each one is an attempt to provide a missing font metric. HP created AutoFont Support files in an effort to provide font metrics for all applications that use softfonts. SFPtoPK can use these metrics to construct TeX TFM files (well, PL files really, but::):. A Word of Warning: ------------------ HP AutoFont Support files have the extension .TFM, however, they are not the same as TeX TFM files!Do not confuse HP AutoFont metrics files with TeX TFM files.In this document, HP AutoFont metrics files will never be referred to as TFM files! How SFPtoPK finds AutoFont Support files: ----------------------------------------- HP AutoFont Support files are quite complex. Many different fonts can use the same support file. For this reason, a special text file is created by the program that creates AutoFont Support files. This file is called GLUE.TXT and it is stored in the same directory as your AutoFont Support files. This file contains an entry for each softfont that points to the appropriate AutoFont Support file. SFPtoPK reads this file to determine which AutoFont Support file to use.If the font you are converting does not have an entry in the GLUE.TXT file, SFPtoPK ignores the AutoFont option. SFPtoPK reads the HP AutoFont Support file and uses the metric values in that file to construct the TeX PL file. Every metric specified in the AutoFont Support file overrides any other setting of that metric by SFPtoPK. It is far more likely that the AutoFont Support file is correct. Some metrics are required in an AutoFont Support file, however, not all metrics are in all files (many are optional). If a particular metric is not present, SFPtoPK will use the value that it calculated (based upon options, etc.) as if AutoFont Support was not being used. AutoFont Support files are discussed in more detail in the documentation for PKtoSFP. PKtoSFP has the much more difficult task of constructing and installing valid AutoFont Support files. Configuration File ------------------ To make SFPtoPK easier to use, default parameters can be stored in a configuration file. The configuration file is a simple DOS text file.Each line in the file defines exactly one parameter. Every parameter has a program name, a parameter name and a value. SFPtoPK searches for parameters by program name and parameter name. The program name is optional, if it is not specified the parameter matches all program names. This is a very general format with a full potential that is not realized by SFPtoPK. This format is designed so that different programs can share the same configuration file and some or all of the same configuration parameters. In cases where an option can be specified in both the configuration file and as a command line option, the command line option will take precedence. If SFPtoPK is run under DOS 3.00 or later, it looks for the configuration file in the same directory as the SFPTOPK.EXE file. Otherwise, SFPtoPK looks in the current directory. In either case, you can tell SFPtoPK explicitly what configuration file to use by setting the DOS environment variable ``SFPTOPK'' equal to the fully qualified name of the configuration file. Configuration Parameters ------------------------ SFPTOPK MINCHAR=character ------------------------- Defines the smallest character to be placed in the PK file. SFPTOPK MAXCHAR=character ------------------------- Defines the largest character to be placed in the PK file. SFPTOPK SLANTCHAR=character --------------------------- Defines the default /slantchar. SFPTOPK SPACE=space-option -------------------------- Defines the default method for calculating interword spacing. The legal values are: norm, bold, and ital which select the mathmatical methods explicitly, math which selects the ``appropriate'' mathmatical method, hmi which selects the softfont default HMI value, or any valid TeX character specification. The math option will use the italic formula if the font is italic, the bold formula if the font is bold (or bold-italic), and the normal formula if it is neither. SFPTOPK SPACEADJ=adjustment-value --------------------------------- Defines the default space adjustment value. This option has exactly the same values as the /spaceadj parameter discussed above. SFPTOPK SFDIR=directory ----------------------- Defines the directory where softfonts are kept. SFPtoPK will look there if it cannot find the softfont in the current directory. SFPTOPK AUTOFONT=d:\path\glue.txt --------------------------------- Defines the default setting of the AutoFont Support feature. If you wish to enable AutoFont support, the filename specified should be the pathname of your AutoFont GLUE.TXT file. Refer to the discussion of the /auto option for more information. If you specify any other filename, SFPtoPK will use the name you specify as the name of the HP AutoFont support file and it will not install the file in your GLUE.TXT file. This would be a very foolish thing to do in the configuration file! SFPTOPK KRN=filename -------------------- Defines the name of the default kern file. I created the default kern file by reverse engineering the CMR10 font. For the English language, I expect that it is complete but you will almost certainly want to create other kern files for different languages. SFPTOPK KROWS=number -------------------- Defines the number of rows in the grid that is laid over each character.This is one measure of the roughness of the grid. SFPTOPK KCOLS=number -------------------- Defines the number of columns in the grid that is laid over each character.Together with KROWS, this determines the roughness of the initial kern estimate.The finer the grid, the closer together the initial estimate is likely to kern. SFPTOPK KPDOTS=number --------------------- Defines the number of dots to insert between characters that are kerned apart. As described in the section on Kerning, SFPtoPK will insert /kpdots of blank space between two characters for each plus sign that follows the character-pair in a krn file. SFPTOPK KMAX=number ------------------- Defines the maximum number of dots to kern. Setting this parameter prevents some kerning combinations (like ``P.'') from becoming far too close together. SFPTOPK KADJ=number ------------------- Defines the number of dots to reinsert between letters after they have been kerned together. This will never move them farther apart than their natural distance.(that is, if they are only going to be kerned three dots closer together and KADJ is four, they will not be moved one dot farther apart). SFPTOPK KTBL=filename --------------------- Defines the default output filename for the ``kern information'' file. A Real Life Example ------------------- Here is a brief description of how I use SFPtoPK and MergeSFP (another program available from Small Planet Software) to create a TeX softfont from a group of HP softfonts. In my case, I have HP's TypeDirector program for creating typefaces from scalable font data. One advantage of this program is that it allows me to create fonts from several different symbol sets.In this way, I can collect a group of softfonts from the same typeface that contain all of the necessary characters for TeX. It has been pointed out, since I wrote this, that TypeDirector can be configured to produce a single font that has all of the necessary TeX characters, but the general principle still holds. Here is the group that I use: symbol set 0U (US ASCII) for the basic alphabet, symbol set 6M (Ventura Math) for the greek letters, symbol set 6J (Microsoft publishing) for the ``f'' ligatures, and symbol set 10J (PS text) for the accents and several other ligatures. First, I create (or collect) all of these fonts at the size I want to use in TeX. If I create 10pt CG Times fonts in these symbol sets with TypeDirector, I will get four fonts: trr14usa.sfp, trr14vma.sfp, trr14mpa.sfp, and trr14tsa.sfp. Next, I run MergeSFP as so: MERGESFP 0x temp_0x trr14usa trr14vma trr14mpa trr14tsa This creates an output softfont called TEMP_0X.SFP that contains all of the characters that I need for TeX. Next, I run SFPtoPKto create the TeX PK and PL files. SFPTOPK temp_0X cgtms10 SFPtoPKuses the 0X.MAP, 0X.LIG, and DEFAULT.KRN files to place the characters in the appropriate places in the PK file and to create the appropriate kerns and ligatures.The only character that is missing is the cross-bar used in `` L'' and `` l'' in TeX (I can't find anything appropriate in a standard font). I use symbol set 0X for a very specific reason. SFPtoPK will look for map and ligature files with a root name of 0X when I run it because that is the symbol set of this font. However, the symbol set 0X is not strictly legal (to the HP LaserJet printers) so I know that I will never have a collision between my munged-together font and some real softfont. The map, lig, krn, and mrg files that I use to do this are included in SFPtoPK as an example. Bye Bye ------- I hope that you find SFPtoPK useful. SFPtoPK is absolutely free.You may copy it and give it away to anyone that you think might benefit from it.However, you may not sell it or profit from it's distribution in any way, shape, or form. If you wish to contact the author, you may write to: Norman Walsh #42I Southwood Apts Amherst, MA 01002 USA or send electronic mail to: walsh@cs.umass.edu Other Programs by Small Planet Software --------------------------------------- PKtoSFP ------- PKtoSFP converts TeX PK fonts into HP LaserJet softfonts. PKtoSFP can produce HP AutoFont Support files to provide accurate spacing and kerning information to other applications.PKtoSFP is the inverse of SFPtoPK. PKscale ------- Changes the magnification of TeX PK files. This can be especially useful if you are working with devices of differing resolutions. PKscale is included in the SFPtoPK package. MergeSFP -------- Merges multiple LaserJet softfonts into a single file. If you are generating TeX fonts, you may discover that you need characters from several different symbol sets (and, hence, several different LaserJet softfonts) in order to create a complete TeX character set.MergeSFP allows you to construct a single LaserJet softfont containing the appropriate characters from several different softfonts. Sfware ------ The Sfware utilities allow you to download, rotate, compress, expand, view, and perform special effects on softfonts. The effects provided include bold, fill, convert to fixed spacing, halftone, hollow, invert, mirror, outline, convert to proportional spacing, resize, reverse, shade, shadow, slant, stripe, tilt, three-d, hollow-three-d, and filled-three-d effects. The effects can be tailored and customized for any font with various parameters and shading patterns. Sfware is distributed under a shareware license agreement. SFP2Auto -------- SFP2Auto reads HP LaserJet softfonts and produces HP AutoFont Support files directly.Many applications that cannot use softfonts directly, can install them with HP AutoFont Support. For example, this program allows you to install arbitrary softfonts into WordPerfect using only the PTR program!